To my very great teacher, you have inspired me beyond what I thought possible.
May each birthday bring you greater happiness, peace and cheer than you brought to me.
Happy Birthday Master
Sifu Ben Noma
Seattle, Washington
Topic #1
Double Winding: a term he used several times. This is a newer term that Grandmaster Chen is using, and there were questions about what this meant. Part of this seems to have to do with the release in the hip and foot, but a second part seemed to have something to do with the torso, or possibly in the other hip. Sean also suggested that this may have to do with identifying the winding in the un-weighted leg, and the weighted leg and making these into one movement rather than two.
The Tilt: How is the body tilted and how is this incorporated in each movement? GM Chen noted that the tilt occurs between the photos in the book, but that the body is still straight from head top to tail bone, just not vertical. Master Young noted the character for Grasp Sparrow’s tail incorporates the image of the bow.
The image of the Bird just before take off releases the sides of the body and brings pressure to the feet. In this position the internal organs hang a bit more than the normal human state-which is why animals are healthier.
Dominance of pinky side or thumb side of the hand: GM Chen noted that there is a dominance of the 2 fingers toward the pinky side of the hand associated with the release (no no no no), and a dominance of the thumb, index and middle fingers during the final posture (yes yes yes yes).
Image: “Spin the floor” the idea of attempting to spin the floor with the foot is the dynamic application of body integration of the Toe the Crotch and the forefingers.